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Since 1948, PUMA has chosen a few good friends over the pack and happily hitchhiked along the road less traveled. Hailing from Herzogenaurach, Germany, the PUMA brand has captured the world with charisma, collaborations, and dashing good looks—not to mention its ability to sync Sport into a greater Lifestyle context and produce the unexpected in footwear, apparel, and accessories.

SportLifestyle defines PUMA and redefines ‘play.’ Sport can last anywhere between 9.58 seconds and 90 minutes. That’s not nearly long enough. Which is why PUMA is happy to extend play well into extra time. Through PUMA Social, the brand fuses athlete with amateur and endorphins with shenanigans to produce a platform where any one can play – from world-record holders to ping- pong paddle holders – no matter the time of day or night.

Photography: Zsolt Istvan Posta
Images courtesy of RetailDesignBlog

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