The intervention in the Santini Stores, emerges from the joint interest from the owners of the brand to become the evolution with the brand’s marketing, opening their own stores and from SHINE to generate a brand new design image, making a clear statement about the brand. Two words, stylish and fashion, this implicate the development of a daring architectural product without reaching excess.
The development of design started with the main wooden-storefront, which was experimented with paper strips, that in a figurative way evokes the S from the brand. The soft shapes and the gray color predominates into the space with the main intention of offering the user a light and cozy space. Actually I think they could also use some custom frames in the interior of the store with high quality pictures of their products.
About this, the selection of materials comes, the warm ones, that let us take the fluency and style, and the stones and glass giving spatial balance. All the stores have a spatial duality, the wooden combination with light tones, and the dark tones with stony floors, this because the dichotomy between woman’s and men’s sections.
The design over the stores goes from the small scale to the detail, everything belongs to design. Every furniture are designed store to store, there’s nothing repeated to each other. The level of detail decreases, even the pieces that support the glass, were designed and manufactured by the company involved in aluminum and structures specially for each of the stores. Another important aspect is the light management, in objectives so specific, the lighting is such a very important matter. There’s a spatial quality based on the tone and the amount of lighting.
Talking about one of SHINE’s premises, the sustainability, inside spaces already built and restricted, we tried to take as far as we can on every store, the efficiency and the saving in every aspect. the stores are designed inside a low scheme of circle of life stablished, during this, the furniture and shelves are removable and adjustable into a different conditions. the 80% of the materials are reusable.
The wood used is selected for it’s color, properties like origin, this wood is national alamo. The lighting is based on leds and power saving systems. all the flooring in this case natural stone and in other stores densified concrete with a certified process environmentally friendly.
Photography Credits: Antonio Mendez, SHINE Architecture

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