Opening its first flagship boutique in Free International Laboratory (F.I.L) Singapore, Visvim finds its home in Raffles Hotel Arcade, paying direct homage to the Singapore monument and colonial architecture of Raffles Hotel. Seamlessly harmonized with the well preserved historical atmosphere of the space, the independent luxury casual menswear label from Japan seeks to expand its brand-relavance beyond products in its boutique by engaging in creative collaborations that complement the label.
Slightly over 1,000 square feet, the F.I.L Singapore boutique house the full line-up of the Visvim collection that combines fundamental elements of functionality and comfort. For years, the brand has been distinguished by a passionate dedication to archetypical design and the store centers its design exactly around that. Wooden parquet style flooring dating back to over a century ago, antique tin ceiling, traditional Japanese shikkui plaster finish on the walls and old wooden shop counters and cabinets hailing form the late 1800s to early 1900s are just some of the more notable elements.