This project aims for a current and attractive image, which strengthens its well defined brand equities: commitment to nature, gastronomic quality and bond with Galicia. Mel Mellis offers a range of natural products, honey that’s collected daily and directly from the hives, using techniques that in no way damage the environment. One of the brand’s strengths is the raw material it works with. The honey is always natural, collected from the highest spots of the Ancares and the Courel -two Galician mountains-, being this fact one of its starting points.
In order to show that natural, looked after image, we chose to apply structures and materials with an organic appeal, such as kraft and recycled papers. These materials help reinforce its natural, environmentally friendly brand image. In line with the previously defined brand equities, different illustrations taken from vintage botanic books where chosen as a graphic formula that bases a natural, organic identity -just as the product itself and the places where it’s obtained.
Design: Alba Domínguez Otero