Black Sheep has designed the new offices of corporate recruitment firm Kinetic Recruitment located in Sydney, Australia. Located at 261 George St, Sydney, the 300sqm. tenancy is located on the second floor of a heritage building. The design is a direct reflection of the work culture of Kinetic; dynamic, energetic and fun. Kinetic operates in the competitive world of corporate recruitment and requested a workplace that was both engaging and lively for staff, yet maintained a professional image for clients.
A key rationale for the design was communication and interaction. The space is configured by locating the majority of employees in an open plan environment flanked by offices, designed with over-sized sliding doors to maintain sight lines between Directors and team members. An intentionally “urban” material palette was developed consisting of concrete, brick and black steel. The appearance of the space is raw and contrasted by a geometric feature carpet in the more polished, client facing areas.
A large portion of the tenancy was devoted to a cafe area where staff can retreat from a fast-paced work environment to relax, have a coffee and enjoy a round or two of Pac-Man.
Design: Black Sheep
Photography: Jude Watson

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