At Stockholm Furniture & Light fair, Kinnarps is inviting its visitors to be part of “Silhouettes of Kinnarps”- an architectural monument that celebrates the company’s 75-year history, its present and its future. Now the stand has been awarded with “Editor’s Choice Award”, the jury has concluded that Kinnarps has the best stand at the fair. “To work with one of Sweden’s, and the world’s finest workspace solutions brand has been an honour. There is so much history, know-how and knowledge about the future workspace that we’ve been able to draw inspiration from.”
“Already when I and Förstberg Ling started working on the design concepts for the Kinnarps experience our goal was to create an experience that highlighted Kinnarps strongest assets – the ability to adapt, change and always look forward. When me and Förstberg Ling started the project to create the Kinnarps 2017 experience at the Stockholm Furniture & Light fair we spent a lot of time thinking about the modern workplace. What is it really about and in what way can Kinnarp continue to contribute to better workspace solutions? Technology has shifted the balance of power from companies to their employees.”
“The only way to attract the future breed of employees is to create a workspaces where people can thrive and grow. The architects, the interior design industry and of course Kinnarps plays an important role in creating sustainable environments that nurture conversations, creativity and ideas. Kinnarps has a role to play here, we need to be conversation-starters and create products and services that can be adapted to corporate cultures and create the right pre-requisites for productivity and innovation. When we created the Kinnarps 2017 experience the rationale was the same – to construct a conversation starter.”
Design: Johan Ronnestam and Förstberg Ling