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Uplifted floor, uplifting emotion
In nature, we feel free. It is because we can choose our own favorite place from the vast
space. In addition, it gives us the feeling of being able to go anywhere we want. Since this
office only has an area of 220 m2, a striped landscape was installed in order to create an
ideal environment in a limited interior space.
A rhythm of the stripe pattern spreads over to the entire floor, and it uplifts and smoothly
becomes a part of the furniture, and uplifts again to shape the wall. One floor becomes a
bench, the one next becomes storage, another one becomes the table and planter box, then
some of them create the partition for the manager or the focusing booth.

Lead architect: Takashi Niwa

Architect: Camille Labelle, Kyohei Takahashi

Photo: Chieu Trien

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