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Studio Tali Gotthilf used the innovative baby car seat made by Babyark to design their Kefar Sava office with a strong focus on safety, warmth, sustainability, and collaboration. Babyark, a pioneering company in child safety, introduces a revolutionary baby car seat inspired by military vehicle seat technology.

The inspiration behind Babyark’s interior design project lies in the concept of nurturing and protecting the next generation. Drawing from the resilience of nature’s structures, particularly the egg, the design seeks to embody safety and security while fostering a warm and inviting atmosphere. The product itself is designed in the resilient shape of an egg, and thus we connected to the rounded and pleasant shapes and warm colors in the design of the company’s offices.

Babyark’s interior design project integrates elements of sustainability and innovation to create a space that reflects the company’s commitment to child safety and environmental responsibility. Utilizing recycled and upcycled materials, the design promotes a sense of eco-consciousness while maintaining a modern and functional aesthetic.

The layout of the workspace promotes collaboration and transparency, with open work areas divided by glass partitions. This encourages communication and interaction among team members while maintaining privacy in enclosed management offices and labs. The central bar area and lounge provide gathering spaces for informal meetings and relaxation.

The realization of Babyark’s interior design project involves the use of sustainable production methods and technologies. From the selection of recycled materials to the incorporation of natural light sources, the design prioritizes environmental consciousness without compromising on quality or functionality.

The research conducted for Babyark’s interior design project focused on identifying sustainable materials and technologies that align with the company’s values. By investigating innovative production methods and eco-friendly materials, the design team ensured that the final space reflects Babyark’s commitment to both child safety and environmental stewardship.

One of the key creative challenges faced during the project was integrating sustainability into every aspect of the design without sacrificing aesthetics or functionality. Finding innovative ways to repurpose existing elements, such as cooling and fire suppression systems, while maintaining a cohesive and visually appealing space required careful planning and collaboration.

Design: Studio Tali Gotthilf
Design Team: Tali Gotthilf, Chen Rahamin
Photography: Minrod Levi


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