Selfridges, Oxford Street, London
Do you know your music? Selfridges are holding a competition, which is to guess what songs their street windows represent. You can enter at Selfridges.com and the winner will get £500 to spend on their online shop. I obviously don’t know my songs, because I found it quite hard, but thankfully the guy selling Big Issue helped me out a bit. Some I know, some need your help with. Put your guesses in the comment boxes with some You Tube links.
I like windows that really engage and make you think 🙂 .
All photographs by Andrew Meredith.
Lets start with the easy ones.
I automatically though Lady Gaga when I saw this, but that is not a song title. I do know this now so I won’t ruin it for you.
First I thought this is Natasha Bedingfield’s Single, but with the diamond rings and this amount of single girlies, I think it’s the other much played song..
This one I know as well, but you won’t have any fun guessing if I tell you. It’s quite easy. A very cool concept to incorporate red shoes into a scheme.
There are so many songs that say ‘la la la la’ so I find this one a bit tricky. There are red cherries and lips in this, so one of my guesses would be Cherry Lips by Garbage. although it doesn’t say ‘la la la’, so it can’t be that.. Also I found a song called Cherry Coke. It is not very well-known. Any ideas for this one?
I thought this could be Love Is All Around by Wet Wet Wet, because the text ‘Love’ is all around the merchandise. I could be wrong. What a classic song!
The text on the back wall says ‘Black’ and all the stock is black too. Some black paint is on the door. Those are your clues. What song title do you think it is?
The answer is right above. It is so easy if you’ve heard the song. That’s all of them. Put your guesses in the comments boxes. Selfridges also did windows based on current hit songs. Wait for that post in a couple of days!
Thanks Kaisa!