The two founders of Beblond, Giovanna Ursida and Tom Frietsch asked for a versatile architecture with unobtrusive appearance where the client remains in the focus of attention. Beside that, everybody enjoying the services of styling and dying should have his or her personal space with sufficient intimacy.
The studio should be of neutral, white or black appearance. This guarantees neutrality and serves as ideal background for all the fine shades of blond hair. Beside these central themes the new location of Bebblond should radiate comfort and modern elegance and attract people of conservative as well as progressive taste.
The team of raumspielkunst reacted with a concept which contains few, essential elements. A “carpet” with integrated furniture stretches out around and beneath “hovering” styling stations. Beside additional secondary service structures like a little tea kitchen, a space for mixing all individual colours and an office unit, this essential, central floating element can be detached and rotated to serve as sitting furniture for temporary events like shows and workshops.
This interactive architectonic approach to gain functional space by using elements with double functionality has the extra advantages of forming an expandable object ready to be arranged in numerous ways. The new studio of Beblond is therefore a highly adaptable service world with increased efficiency. It is capable to evolve around a demanding client and his personal needs in Stuttgart and future locations.
In cooperation with Florian Lachenmann I photographer: Michael Eckel
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