1970 sqft in size, Chez Patrick on Queen’s Road East offers a closed-off location for diners to relax whilst overlooking the controlled chaos that is Hong Kong. With the request for an intimate dining room space, Pure Creative worked around the concept of an imaginary private kitchen/residence and developed an eclectic space mixing classic French influences such as moulding, wooden arches and distressed oak flooring.
Stand-out design features include brasserie seats in an unusual yellow instead of the typical revolutionary red as well as pendant lights that highlight the main dining room area.The stunning centre piece of long silver capped lights creates a sense of romance and drama, providing a sunset glow to the chic establishment.
To create a further sense of warmth, gold accents in the furnishings and specially commissioned wallpaper give the restaurant a decadent sparkle. Specially commissioned photographs from artist Sebastin Bonin adorn the walls of the space. As an end result the fine-dining establishment provides a stunning escape for refined diners.
Designed by Pure Creative

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