Inspired by a legendary past time – reading a book with a fresh cup of coffee – Japanese super studio Nendo opened a temporary café for Starbucks. Dedicated to espresso beverages, the pop-up was designed to resemble a library, complete with bookshelves. The shelves were an open invitation for guests to wander through the space, perusing custom-made books in nine different hues; each book was about a different type of espresso drink, like lattes, cappuccinos or café mochas.
After reading about the options, visitors could take the book to the counter and trade it for an actual espresso drink. They could also keep the book’s cover, which featured information about their beverage of choice. The cover could also be inserted into one of Starbucks’ ‘create your own’ tumblers.
‘The “library” invites visitors to choose an espresso drink as they would a book, and verse themselves in espresso drinks as though quietly entering into a fictional world,’ says Oki Sato of Nendo. ‘Books and coffee are both important parts of everyday life, so we created a link between favorite books and favorite coffees.’

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