Björn Borg is a Swedish tennis player and one of the most iconic sportsmen in history. Björn Borg’s unique style and rock-star qualities was the inspiration when we started the Björn Borg brand in 1984. Nowadays Björn Borg is an international fashion brand with a focus on colorful fashion underwear, sportswear, bags, footwear, eyewear and accessories.
Björn Borg says JA! because, well, we’re Swedish. Björn Borg says JA! to changing the game, just like the tennis legend who gave us our name. Björn Borg says JA! to having fun with fashion. After all, we make clothes for people not models. Björn Borg says JA! to JA! because JA is the new NO! It liberates us to do anything, be anything, express anything, challenge anything and create anything not just in fashion but life as well. So, if you are with us, just say JA!
Photographer: Zsolt Istvan Posta
Images courtesy of Retail Design Blog