Inspired on the corporation philosophy, we captured their values in the new offices in Bogota. Some of those values like diversity, community, innovation and fun are represented through the space.
The project´s objective was to design the work space under the concept of happiness and imagination that toys transmit, but always maintaining the serious and committed image of the company that supports…HASBRO
The color accents represent the diversity of the different lines of toys, and the branding was designed to involve the space in order to remind and reaffirm the solidity and strength of the company. The entire place was devised by the corporative colors and the brand image is around the walls and glasses. The circulation areas are matched by the accents on movement through the floor, while an industrial concept is managed on the ceilings showing the technical installations achieving a taller space and better natural illumination.
The open space promotes the team work chord with the principles of the company. The design of special furniture was thought on the functionality and recognizes their brand using the constant exhibition of toys. Thanks to the design, the ambient promotes a serious and committed work that is stimulated through the colors, the light, the simplicity of design, the toys as a part of the space and the main goal: Bringing happiness to the community!
Designed by Arquint Colombia
Project manager: Marcela Lopez
Design manager: Alexandra Rozo
Architect: Luis Lozano
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