Design studio H2E designed an interior that goes hand in hand with the specific way in which the bank in Latvia serves its customers.
The newly re-planned interior design of the Mortgage Loans Service Department of Latvia’s largest independent private bank, ABLV Bank, reflects the bank’s way of thinking – personalised and intimate attitude towards clients, the specifics that contribute to the psychological comfort of the clients, taking care of the wellbeing of every employee.
The historical building, specific functions and company’s inconspicious identity – elements that determined visual and lay-out solution of the total area of 693.03 m2. First floor is all about the clients. Each of the meeting rooms has its own visual code. Taking in mind the privacy issue, meeting rooms have been separated from one another paying attention to acoustic qualities. Formerly widespread principle of tranparency has been replaced with the idea of confidentiality and privacy – only a narrow strip of glass beside the door of the meeting rooms makes a link with the rest of the area. Clients have free access to a small library of design books in two of the waiting areas.
Individually designed massive wood furniture made of Latvian timber is combined with internationally well-known design brands such as Tom Dixon, Artemide, Vitra and Cassina. All non-standard equipment, such as wall panels, bookshelves, waiting area counter, room navigation system and interactive surface stands, has been individually designed. Second floor is accessible only to the employees. A concept of open space office was acclaimed the most appropriate; only head of the department and his alternate have separate cabinets. Piece of art in the bank’s interior calls for specific attention. Latvian contemporary art works at the highest professional quality, mainly photographs, are conjunctive motive in both client and employee area. Designers also thought of creating an atmosphere of “bank’s club”. It is highlighted by the darkly coloured walls, warm lighting; cold and reflective surfaces are avoided.
Design: H2E Design Studio
Photography: Ansis Starks / Indrikis Sturmanis
About Design studio H2E
Founded in 2007, Riga, it is now one of the most experienced and prestigious design studio in Latvia. H2E specializes in exhibition design, interior design and graphic design.

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