Stash sells modern bags. Most shops display bags perched on a shelf. But bags do not ‘perch’ when they are worn; they hang. For this reason, Maurice Mentjens wanted a hanging display for the bags in Stash. The idea was quickly conceived to work with magnets, with which the bags could be ‘stuck’ to steel plates. Customers could then remove each bag from the wall to look at it and then stick it back in place. In this way, optimum use could be made of the entire wall surface of the fairly limited space (33 m2) for the presentation of the bags.
In the middle of the shop are two steel coves suspended from the ceiling with pedestals underneath for the eye-catchers. This increases the presentation surface area still further, as well as adding a strong architectural element. This creates two passageways with a large mirror wall at the end, making the shop appear much larger (longer).
The cove and pedestal theme can also be seen in the shop window with a smaller space in between. This adds more intrigue, as it distinguishes the shop window from the shop itself and also restricts the view of the counter (which has its back facing the window) from outside the shop.
The red coating on the walls and ceiling makes the shop very appealing to passers-by. Moreover, this colour perfectly complements the often bright colours of the trendy bags sold at Stash. The floor, counter and pedestals fit in seamlessly due to their grey PU coating. The rounded joins between the ceiling and the walls and coves gives the interior the appearance of having been pressed out of an extrusion mould. Lastly, above the counter are storage cupboards, hidden behind the red steel plates.