Only a short while ago, Patrick and a merry band of HelloFreshers set out to change the way the nation eats. It was a pretty big dream, but they believed that everyone should have access to the best ingredients and the knowledge to cook them. And so they spent a whole afternoon packing shopping bags in Patrick’s living room and delivering them by hand to their first 10 customers….
There were a lot of midnight cooking sessions and mad dashes to find last minute supplies, but sure enough that crazy dream started to become a reality. Hello Fresh approached ThirdWay to create their new London HQ so as to ensure we were not just creating an office but their new home.
The space was to be 100% unique to them, to encourage productivity and ensure their company culture is at the forefront of their day to day workings. The future was key and the design was to make sure that was allowed for.
After meeting the Hello Fresh team it became quickly apparent that this wasn’t just any old office but a home away from home surrounding the ethos of food. That’ why in the design we have set out to create a cosy, homely feel using rustic finishes, shabby chic inspired elements and reclaimed features.
Design: ThirdWay Interiors