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An office for well known young advocate Hardik Mehta from ahmedabad. Office is situated in one of the posh location of city highway where view from each side was contextual requirement from client. Also shape of the architectural building was major concern in shaping up layout. With minimal requirement from clients end, final layout was outcome of rational movement in space and striking cord with using single and strong material like veneer.

Using very few materials to finish all surfaces was very interesting process in developing design. Few interesting details like hidden door from main cabin to library created lot of talking and visual points in overall space.

H Mehta is Classic example of contemporary interior fusion with classic material like veneer. Responding to the strong architectural set up and blending it smoothly to achieve spacious smooth movement and visual treat in every aspect shows strong balance in composition of spaces.

Design: idodesign

Photography: Darshit Ringwala

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