At Hotel The Fritz, The Invisible Party employs a fresh perspective on the somewhat rigid luxury hotel market, making way for a new generation of wealth. A multitude of extravagant comforts encourage guests to never leave the grounds, making the hotel a one-stop destination.
The studio reimagines the story of classic luxury through modern twists and tongue-in-cheek additions. By nodding to traditional grandeur such as Old Master paintings, the designers redefine opulence through humour. Similarly, wall coverings made of silk blossoms referencing the Belle Époque transform into a contemporary 3D Flower Wall.
Combining both cosmopolitan and neighbourly qualities, the team envisioned a space in which travellers become locals and locals become citizens. The Invisible Party likens the hotel to the sweetly nostalgic narrative of a Wes Anderson film: guests become regulars because of the energetic atmosphere and good company, not because of the decadent marble bathrooms and bellhops.
Photography by Floor Knaapen
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