“Style is the answer to everything | Style is the difference, a way of doing, a way of being done.” Charles Bukowski
Liza Paupe and Anna Uchevatova had won the prize in design contest of the Flagship Store of English Paint and Decoration Materials in the heart of Moscow. We reinterpret English classical style in a brand-new way. To shape this universe we mixed different patterns and colours, golden and metal details with oak tables, we made transforming lights, which could be changed by the remote from cold to warm. We created the atmosphere of light chick and fresh classic.
The space is divided into different zones: self-working area, tinted room, managers-area, “tea-pause” table, and cash desk zone. The space is 130 sq.m. including back office. Main Center of Attraction is dark green classical Artistry Product with textile samples. “Tea pause” area starts with the glass table and golden pending lamps and leads to 2 classical, but modern made armchairs with vintage table in the middle. The view to the Tinted room opens the space and shows the magic process of creation the colour.
Cash desk is our experimental area, where we could show the new vision to the Plaster Panel Mouldings representation. Toilet was represented by cosmic deep blue walls and coloured plaster elements. We had used materials of Little Greene, Farrow&Ball, Argile, Paint Library Paint companies, Textile of Osborne&Little, Designers Guild, Vitra chairs, Laufen fixtures, plaster mouldings from Stevensons of Norwich, William Howard skirting.
Designed by Liza Paupe & Anna Uchevatova
Photography by Dina Aleksandrova