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Time More cafe is the best original hand-washed coffee appliance brand in the country and offers high-quality hand-washed coffee. This is an original hand-made coffee maker and boutique coffee experience shop located in Shanghai. We understand this store as a world about “time”. Coffee beans are alive, making, grinding, extracting, and every step of a cup of coffee requires patience and concentration. It is also a quiet world. The components of this world are mainly wood, the life that condenses into time. A metal curved display frame is drawn across the right wall. The space is always developed in a binary way, moving and static, just and soft, inside and outside, positive and negative. This gives the entire space a certain tension.

Design Firm: Robot 3 Studio

Architect: Pan Fei, Wang Zhi

Design Consultant: Yu Yue

Client: Time More Coffee

Location: 1/F, North Block, Hong Kong Plaza, 282 Huaihai Zhong Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai, China

Construction Unit: Shanghai Bofang Building Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd.

Building Area: 66 sqm

Materials: Wood, Copper

Completion: 2018.08

Photographer: Robot 3 Studio

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