Following five stores across Kuala Lumpur, Aesop expands its Malaysian retail portfolio with a new outpost in Penang. The standalone store occupies a 40 sqm. (432 sq.ft.) ground floor unit at Gurney Plaza, a popular shopping mall in the heart of the city. Obviously it’s another design-led retail space, created by the company’s very own design team in Melbourne. Similar to the majority of its other stores across the planet, the chosen aesthetic takes cues from local culture, and in particular Penang‘s unique architecture. The retail space is encapsulated front-to-back in sleek tessellated scaffolding that incorporates pretty much all necessary furnishings, including shelving, storage cabinets, seating, a sales counter, and last but not least, Aesop‘s signature demonstrations sinks. The walls are covered in wool fabric, adding a contrasting softer edge to the setting, but they’re similarly dipped in a deep green hue. The new Aesop store carries the brand’s full range of skin, body and hair care products.
Images © Aesop

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