This refurbishment of a historical shop house in decay is located on the riverside of the sleepy colonial town of Kampot, Cambodia. It investigates the adaptation of a south east Asian typology to the more contemporary customs, such as of tourism and modern lifestyle. The main concept was to introduce the notion of preservation and importance of endangered colonial center with an innovative approach to showcase the transform of an old shophouse into a 320 sqms of modern residence with a restaurant on ground floor. This project conveys the idea that the present can be anchored in tradition. This reinterpretation of the Chinese shophouse typology respectfully integrates a new program within the remains of the existing.
Antoine Meinnel / Bloom Architecture Co. Ltd.
Team: Antoine Meinnel, Lim Kong
Builder: Rithy Kim / KM Engineering
Lighting designer: Charles Henry Fort / Sao Light
Artisan workers of timber Chhour Pheng
Customised furniture : Bloom Architecture Co. Ltd.
Photos: BLOOM, Nataly Lee, Antoine Raab