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From Confucianism’s belief that “the benevolent man regards all things as one,” to the Tang and Song poetry that finds solace in nature, such as “a cascade plunging three thousand feet,” the essence of Chinese culture is deeply intertwined with nature.

To this end, we draw inspiration from nature. Based on traditional architectural aesthetics, we use a variety of combinations of beams, walls, and columns, integrating contemporary design perspectives. This approach allows soft lines and simple beauty to complement each other, creating an aesthetic door and window exhibition hall where nature and culture harmoniously blend.

Traditional Chinese seal carving, typically composed of square blocks, uses the emotional resonance embedded in these carvings to transform people’s lives. This aligns with the concept we aim to convey: ‘The original purpose of architecture is for humanity.

The space is both divided into independent areas and interconnected, marking the brand impression of OEZER Doors and Windows on the urban interface. It presents a unique architectural aesthetic and a sense of order.

We drew design symbols from traditional seal carving, using the concept of the ‘square’ as the core design element of the exhibition hall’s facade. The cement fiberboard, with its simple and unpretentious texture, creates a rich visual effect.

Design Firm: CUN DESIGN (

Chief Designer: Cui Shu

Aided Designer: Guo Wei

Photographer: Jerry Zhong


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