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Creativebydefinition has created a new innovating representation for ATI new line of vegetable cans, transforming vegetables into perfect architectural shapes. This packaging design already received the Silver Award from Creativity International Awards and it will certainly capture customer imagination.

The visual image of the packaging wants to convey one clear message: The vegetables inside the can are nature’s 3D models with perfect dimensions.” The design is capturing that fresh, healthy, tasty character of the products inside, putting it in the spotlight. It is all centered and build around the tomatoes or the beans, letting them have a colorful, magnetic impact on the customer.

The front of the label is concentrating on showing and measuring different views of the vegetable, exactly like in a well detailed architectural plan. An innovating characteristic of the design is the way the vegetables are portrayed using a vibrant mix of 3D modeling techniques with illustrations.

The labels are using white canvas with one black stripe – leaving the strong, vivid colors to be illustrated by the vegetables. The concept wants to introduce the tomato / bean to the public like a singular entity, making it “the unique fresh star of the show”. The product is a major elevation of a standard item from the same category and the packaging is designed to communicate that difference on the shelf, bringing a refreshing twist on the vegetable can market.

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