Designed by architect Silvio Stefani, Minacciolo’s brand-new showroom at Treviso – which took fifteen months to be completed – is the name for one emotional path covering an area exceeding 1,200 square metres. It is concived as a domestic shopping mall, the windows that run along a public arcade look onto different spaces of an imaginary house. The spaces converge in a small square that houses the main entrance where a large sculptural lamp is displayed.
The showroom is divided into several room settings, where the company’s idea of interior decoration becomes “bricks and mortar” reality the English Mood Collection undisputedly stands out in the new shop, which was opened to the press last winter.
It has developed into the number one player for the company, as both a flagship (and best selling) product and, above all, as a “furniture and functions system” suited to all the rooms of any home: the kitchen – and obviously so -, the living room, the bathroom and the bedroom, with projects which include collections of furnishing complements by Minacciolo.
The new showroom, arranged like a “company showcase”, is open to the concept of hospitality, to such an extent that it accommodates a working kitchen.
It allows the many customers coming from Italy and other countries to have a refreshment and relaxation area (as well as a food and wine area which is up to scratch…) available.
The project, introduced by the whole Minacciolo family together with architect Silvio Stefani, is meant to be “the first necessary step of a process which is going to give the company much satisfaction”.