Idea: the idea was to create a structure made out of cardboard. I have decided to use cardboard because it is totally recyclable, and reusable material – to make model I used only cardboard that I have found on the street (boxes from furniture, deliveries etc.). Therefore it can be painted, changed, something could be written on it – in a smaller scale it is perfect for children and evolving creativity.
Process: I had to find a way to make cardboard strong enough to stand weight of a human body. After a lot of experiments, finally I have decided to use triangles as the simplest possible geometry to build the chair. The section shape is a result of experiments for the best way to hold a human body. I used cable holders to connect it so it would be possible to reassemble it and recycle.
Model: cheap to produce, comfortable, recyclable, easy to personalize ( you can paint it, write on it etc.)

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