Dear Readers,
One year has already passed since the very first article was shared on this blog we had created for retail design experts. Without your help the site wouldn’t have turned out to be as successful and popular as it is today, therefore we would like to express our gratitude to everyone supporting us by comments and sharing photos, projects and other materials that helped us to enhance the professional standards of the page.
The first anniversary gave us an excellent opportunity to organize a small party and celebrate this special event together. Since inviting 1.2 million visitors from 175 different countries was unfortunately not a possible option, only the small team of editors and their guests attended the event. The following photos captured the celebrating moments we would like to share with you now.
Please, let us provide some interesting facts and figures concerning the results we have achieved in the first year:
– 1950 professional articles:
– – 1050 articles on Store Design
– – 210 articles on Visual Merchandising
– – 210 articles on Branding
– 1.2 million visitors and 5.9 million page views
– 270.000 visitors in April
– 12.000 visitors per a day
Seeing the figures above, hopefully we can have your attention and support raising our blog to a higher professional level in the future. Please do not hesitate to comment the articles and contact us with further new materials to share.
Please, celebrate with us by wishing Happy Birthday to RetailDesignBlog!