Burgopak have recently teamed up with leading design agency BERG to design and produce the packaging for their first connected product, Little Printer. The product itself, ‘lives in your home, bringing you news, puzzles and gossip from friends’ in the form of a small personalized printed newspaper.
In terms of the packaging it was always of the utmost importance to encapsulate the charm and personality of the character. Creating the appropriate first ‘hello’, marking the beginning of the relationship between person and product was fundamental to the design. Despite the challenges in physically protecting fragile parts of the device it was imperative to make Little Printer’s friendly face the first thing you see.
Beyond the first introduction it was also essential to make every stage of the unboxing process feel considered and important. Detail is apparent in every element of the product and the design of the packaging was no different. Challenges such as finding a way to remove the main device and its power supply at the same time proved to be interesting problems in themselves.
To guide people through the unboxing process the designers at BERG did a great job of developing delightful graphics to wrap around and introduce each part of the product. All of which connect as part of a broader narrative which encapsulates the cheery tone of voice which has become synonymous with the product.
As the initial run was relatively low in volume the packaging design had to take into consideration fairly challenging cost parameters. As well as minimising the overall footprint through myriad iterations of the arrangement and layout of each element Burgopak also designed each part of the packaging to be delivered as a flat-pack item. This helped to significantly reduce subsequent assembly times as well as shipping costs and allowed the packaging to be stored efficiently for just in time assembly at the point of fulfilment.