TNT came to OVG with a clear mission: they wanted to be the first CO2 neutral express and mail company in the world. The new head office is to be first move in this direction. Making no sacrifices in quality for workspace and modern design and, above all, for the same budget as a ‘normal’ office building. A challenge, to say the least…
OVG developed an ambitious plan that would demand the utmost from us and from all the parties involved. Nearly every process was totally new, no method or technology had ever been used before. Every component was both exhausting and inspirational at the same time. And now it is a reality: the proof that sustainable does not necessarily mean more expensive. A splendid building, with no compromises; an icon not only for the new TNT but also for ‘the new world of work’ in general.
Last year the building received recognition for energy neutral construction from AgentschapNL and it serves as a model project for the sector. An international blueprint for sustainable construction in the year 2020, when all new Buildings in the European Union will have to be energy neutral.

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