This was a project for a hair salon and spa located in the city center of Guimarães, Portugal, European Culture Capital 2012. The concept is based on a similar language that unifies the whole space. The roughness of the concrete involves floor, walls and ceilings and it contrasts with the elegance of the hair care program.
The geometric spatiality results from strong diagonals, composing furniture that accentuates the tension points. Lighting has also a strong presence in the space emphasizing the design lines and contributing for the different atmospheres: one more electric dynamic for the working areas and another more Zen and relaxed for the spa.
The Program is distributed in three separated areas: the entry, with a reception desk as the dominating central piece, waiting area and a pebble garden; the hair styling area in a lower level; and finally a more enclosed and intimate area for the spa.
Designed by AAMD