In these days and times, everyone is jumping on the conservation bandwagon, and for good reason. We’re trying to ensure our survival here. Though we don’t think about it, even the paint and wallpaper in our homes has environmental impact. In comes WallArt. This Dutch company creates 3D Eco-friendly wall panels that are made from the fibrous remains of sugar cane called bagasse. This material is usually discarded after the sugar making process.
WallArt found a way to use this material to make stylish wall panels that are 20”x 20.” When placed together, the panels create a repeating pattern that gives your flat wall new dimensions that play with light and shadow. 3D Wall panels are a new, high quality, artistic, durable and environmentally friendly product taking interior design to a new level. With a design concept originating in the United States 3D Wall Panels marks the beginning of a new trend of wall furnishings. Feature walls no longer need to be restricted to a mere splash of colour. 3D Wall Panels provides a cost effective way to create just the right atmosphere in any room of your home or business.
3D Wall Panels are constructed primarily from Plant Fibre utilising environmentally friendly technology for a cleaner and greener product. At a time when environmental impact is at the forefront of everyone’s minds here is a product that provides high quality, interior decoration possibilities that will enhance, not harm, the environment. The design applications of 3D Wall Panels are limited only by your imagination and can be utilised to create eye-catching feature walls or a more subtle and subdued atmosphere of elegance and refinement.