In Mexican culture a Fonda is the kitchen of a family home which opens itself up to the surrounding community as an eatery. When the Melbourne taqueria of the same namesake decided to set up another restaurant in Windsor, Techne accepted the challenge of turning a run-down heritage space into their new home. Demolition uncovered the spectacular shell of the building, and the design was built around highlighting the pre-existing features including the beautiful cathedral ceiling and trusses, stained glass windows and other period ornamentation.
A new insertion conceptualizes the kitchen at a more vernacular scale, with custom joinery and lighting features filling the surrounding space; Techne designed elements include rope-strung benches that reflect traditional Mexican craft, pendant lights based around Acapulco chairs and a counter that uses patternation found in the original features of the heritage building.
Complementary furniture imported from Los Angeles provides a unique highlight to the dining room and ties the design to a vibrant geometric floor pattern conceived in collaboration with graphic designers Goldenhen.
Photography by Tom Blachford