Great coffee, yummy cookies, cakes, brasserie bread and more is on offer at Replay Espresso. Sydney’s North Shore has been a little slow to develop some destination cafés, but the tide is changing. Our first opportunity came along on a corner site location, opposite Turramurra station in an old hair salon which was originally an old garage.
With just 40sqm to play with, we ripped the guts out of the space, replaced the decaying roof, introduced a long bi-fold window and small serve-out window, created a feature barista’s coffee bench, and crammed in as many seats and tables as we could. The budget was tight, so materials are simple. Non-slip grey floor tiles, strand board, ply joinery, blackboards, recycled brick, recessed LED lighting and the popular caged pendants with hand woven incandescent lamps. A perfect stop-off to start your morning commute.
Designed by Mima Design
Photographer – Thomas Dalhoff

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