The brief from Offecct was to create a new kind of sound panel that didn’t have to be fixed on the wall but more a free standing object, and at the same time work with recyclable felt made of garbage from their upholstery production. Notes not only absorb sound, but also help divide space in a new and exciting way. So instead of building and tearing down walls to construct new spaces, the user can be creative and easily rearrange Notes in different ways to meet their specific need.
In Venice, where the designer is from, a common way of drying your damp clothes is by throwing them over any available cable that you find hanging between houses. When the kids play football on the street, the clothes hanging over the lines muffles the sound of the bouncing football and screaming kids. Nichetto used that as inspiration and tried to transfer it in to an industrial product. Notes consists of five different shapes that you can dress in a fabric of your choice. These shapes can then be rearranged by moving them sideways.
Designed by Luca Nichetto for Offecct