It became necessary for our client Fashion2Customer to unite several Scandinavian clothing brands in one single multibrand store. So we were set a widespread task – to create both a common strategy and a total brand visual identification system down to the smallest details. The Store image should have reflected its Scandinavian origin of represented brands, be modern, young and European and so it could be clearly identified by Russian consumers.
The target audience of the store is young, advanced, full-hearted people who are in the know of all fashion events and who often say “Yes, I know”. It is just where the name “Yes, I now” came from. English words constituting it helps make brand international and borderless, on the one hand, and at the same time remain intelligible for those who do not speak English in general.
Scandinavian Style is presented in combination of white brick background, contrast graphic and colorful stresses – quite turquoise, oxide orange and beige. Logotype with stitches and reversed “i” turned into exclamation mark becomes both impression element and brand sense basis. We also elaborated communication constrictor in customer dialogue format, i.e. hen-tags, bags, cards and other storages: “Everybody likes it! – Yes, I know”, “What you are looking for – Yes, I know”, “It’s your sale today – Yes, I know”, “Something stylish is being carried there – Yes, I know” and so on.
They help put the stresses and underline up to the moment things inside the store. While working on the concept we took into account the fact how it could be reflected in the interior. That is why we created individual pattern containing dozens different faces of “Yes, I know”. It is used for interior zonation, and also could be found in wrapping and other branded items developed for the store.
Designed by Viewpoint

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