Boom Bap a brand without borders… A company with open horizons! Aware of the challenges caused by Fashion, crisis and the society of nowadays, the Boom Bap’s creative and nonconformist team has to reinvent a new concept of dressing based on an urban chic fashion, avoiding the vulgarity and introducing on their collections humor and subtlety. What seems simple reflects a continuous effort. Behind the design, implementation, presentation and disclosure, there is an open, participatory and interventionist team who has during these six years enthralled their clients. Boom Bap has given another life and a new light on the theme of originality and irreverence.
Boom Bap is not just a brand … Boom Bap is the brand!
Boom Bap embodies the very essence of music, the sound of the big drum and that of the snare drum. Boom Bap is the beat, the roots of sound. Boom Bap is back to the basics of what streetwear used to be: simple, efficient, accessible. Boom Bap twists, parodies, samples and takes over fashion trends to produce something new and original. We make fun of everything and everyone, starting with ourselves. We’re iconoclasts and that’s what we like!
Photographer: Zsolt Istvan Posta
Images courtesy of Retail Design Blog