The challenge was to create a brand that breaks through the clutter of the dairy and dairy-alternative shelves with a new offering. Comprising two flavors in standard gable-top cartons. Working within an aggressive timeline, we quickly produced a streamlined brand strategy identifying key attributes that would resonate with the intended consumer group. Using those attributes as creative platform for our design explorations, we experimented with different methods to visually tell the Amoré story.
The final direction took advantage of the similarity in shape of almond silhouettes and cow spots to connect the primary ingredients in a light-hearted way. By previously establishing an agreed-on hierarchy of communication importance for the list of benefits, we were able to create a coherent typographic presentation of the product’s healthy goodness. The results: In conjunction with the website we designed, Amoré was able to communicate the extensive benefits provided to consumers, giving them an alternative that is rich in both protein and anti-oxidants compared to conventional dairy and dairy-alternative products.
Design by Dossier Creative