004 was responsible for the latest The Navigator Company – 2017 Annual Report. Its premium version consists of two volumes: the 2017 Annual Report and the 2016/17 Sustainability Report, contained in a wooden box with volumetry on both main faces. The wood used was certified pine, remitting the design of the embossing to a forest context. For The Navigator Company, the forest represents not only a resource of raw material, but also appears as a field of development and intense dedicated research. The sustainability of the forestry sector is considered crucial and inherent in the company’s DNA, and the forest management model under the responsibility of The Navigator Company is certified by the international FSC® and PEFCTM systems.
The packaging (and the annual reports) designed by 004 – and with art direction by Rodrigo Saias – reflects this importance and evokes the forest universe conceptually and sensorially. It should be noted that there is still a second version, whose container is made of paper pulp produced by The Navigator Company, reproducing the same volumetric set on both sides of larger dimension.
What’s Unique?
The forest, for The Navigator Company, represents not only a raw material resource, but also a field of development and intense dedicated research.
The sustainability of the forestry sector as well as the focused look of a company that is responsible, make the product “wood” considered as something very special. The packaging designed by 004 reflects this importance and evokes the forest universe conceptually and sensorially. The “premium” version crafted from certified pine wood is sensorially challenging.
At first, the visual contact with this object is very suggestive. The elegant relationship of proportions, the great depth of the embossing work and the clear notion that the constituent material are panels of soft wood, create in the observer the desire to pass to a tactile recognition of the object. Touch the set, assessing its weight and stability, and confirming its texture.
The sensory guide then leads the user to the next step, which consists in vertically detaching the portion which appears as the lid. Sliding the lid along the shared portion with the bottom of the packaging results in a smooth sound, sensorially pleasant. Once opened, from its interior emanates a pleasurable odor of cut wood.
Both box versions share a fascinating feature, albeit for different reasons – the touch sensation… The softness of the flattened wood contrasts with the harmonious roughness of its more crude derivative – the pulp. In both cases there is no type of thermal shock on hand contact. In both cases what exists is organic recognition.
Designed by 004