Well known local craft-brewing house GLB asked us to help designing a new taproom to expand the brand’s operations into a new neighborhood. The challenge was here to recreate the feeling of the previous GLB brewpubs without featuring any brewing equipment. All layout elements rotate around a large central bar, made of a curve pour-in concrete wall and solid wooden top, which is the visual and social backbone of the space.
design team RAMOPRIMO
architects Marcella Campa, Stefano Avesani, Lisa Montanari, Sara Scotti, Huo Ran 霍燃, Giacomo Squaquara
location Beijing, China
function tap room
area 260 sqm
type Built
client Great Leap Brewing
furniture design Ramoprimo
contractor Beijing Dongfu World Decoration北京东赋天下装饰有限公司
on-site manager Yang Jun杨军, Zhao PeiPei赵佩佩
engineering Li Jian李健 Niu Tao牛涛
photo credits RAMOPRIMO, Zhang Hui
year 2019

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