STUDIOMINT designed a space to reflect the values of West Carr & Harvey, the oldest accountancy located in Geelong, Australia. When West Carr & Harvey approached us, they had just turned 70, cementing themselves as the oldest accountancy in Geelong. In celebration, they decided to move from their 16-year tenure at Freemasons Hall on Gheringhap Street.
Our challenge was to provide a space that would reflect the company and its values, allow for the firm’s continued growth, and help the company keep up with a changing landscape – all within the confinements of an unmaintained, heritage-listed, ex-industrial property.
Many factors were considered when designing this space, but the biggest was incorporating the sense of professional ‘transparency’ that’s essential in accounting.
The resulting space embraced the site’s industrial roots, while providing an enriching home for their next chapter.
Photography: Spacecraft

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