Bab Coffee Roasting Company (BAB) is a fictional coffee brand.
Coffees of BAB are real new-wave, modern city coffees that can be the perfect start of a busy day. For BAB, the marketing of high-quality coffee is a basic requirement. The brand believes that quality coffee is available to anyone, even at home. The packaging exists in two sizes and contains aroma-sealing bags. They are supporting the proper placing on the shelf. The little box fills the blank between the big boxes. It offers roasted coffee beans in three flavor categories, the coffee types are labeled with colour code on the inside of the box.
BAB products are made with great care, with a strong emphasis on ethical coffee growing. Making clean lines, and an elegant atmosphere was an important aspect of the design, which ensures that the products of BAB can appear as a fresh spot in the Hungarian coffee market.
Designed by Corvin Art School

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