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“2050 coffee problem” ,which is a concern that by the year 2050, we may not be able to enjoy coffee as we do today due to various factors such as climate change and labor conditions.

The term refers to a potential future event caused by an accumulation of smaller, more personal issues rather than one large problem. It suggests that we should address each small issue one by one instead of focusing on a single large problem.

Coffee shops could change their traditional approach to coffee by blurring the boundaries between customers, staff, and producers to create a space where they can interact and influence each other. Instead of defining the shop’s identity or facade, it proposes plotting functions like small dots to form an outline.

This collection of small dots is seen as forming the unique character of a shop and creating a larger outline, similar to how we should approach the 2050 coffee problem. We aim to create a place where small actions are considered, undertaken, and shared, all contributing to a solution for the future of coffee.

Designed by TEKI Design
Photography by Kenta Hasegawa


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