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Bamboo is a plant that is quickly replenished, making it a sustainable choice for construction. It also has a high mechanical strength and durability to weather conditions. Choosing to use the material in its natural and raw form, israeli designer Gal Ben-Arav has developed the ‘Bamboo bench’. He has done so in wanting to maintain the materialism, simplicity and natural morphology of the quickly growing species, while on the other hand, reating a conflict and tension between it and industry – aluminium casting.

The seating unit can be formed using two different bench typologies: with or without a back. Two cast aluminum frames, reflecting the silhouette of a chair or stool form the structural support of the bench. Raw pieces of bamboo fill the frames, acting as both the seat and back of the furniture object. The frames can be adjusted along the length of the bamboo used according to structural needs and weight limits.

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