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Architect: Jacques Vanderbeck
Merchant: Jacques Vanderbeck
Type: restaurant & pizzeria
Address: quai au Bois à Brûler 65 – Brussels
District: Sainte-Catherine

The Italian restaurant ‘Fornostar’ is the latest project of a passionate cook and decorator. Jacques Vanderbeck doesn’t hold a degree in architecture or design, but designed his pizzeria trusting his gut feeling and his preference for unconvential materials, objects and colours. Located in a multicultural area with mainly fish restaurants, Fornostar is without a doubt the odd one out !

The Commerce Design Award has been launched in Montreal (Canada) in 1995 in order to stimulate local merchants to invest in the furnishing of their commercial spaces with the assistance of a qualified professional. The initiative spread immediately to cities all over the world (Saint-Etienne, Marseille, Lyon, Nantes, Luxemburg, Eindhoven, …) among which our own capital that celebrates this year the second edition of the Commerce Design Brussels competition, coordinated by Pro Materia and Design September (with the support of the City of Montreal, Brussels Capital Region, Atrium, Brussels Louise and institutional and private partners).

Organisation :
Pro Materia asbl & Design September
Lise Coirier, director Pro Materia –
Jean de Gheldere, director Design September –
For more info :
Jasmijn Verlinden – project coordinator :
+32 2 768 25 10

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