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Interactive installation of 91 linked 24 carat gold covered Work Lamps creating a massive Light Jockey instrument. The installation was uncovered June 18 at Design House Stockholm’s opening of their OPEN concept in Boda, Sweden.

When we designed the Work Lamp for Design House Stockholm in 2009, we wanted to use the typology of something that was considered greasy and make it beautiful. When DHS asked us to embellish their OPEN opening with something special, we thought it would be a great idea to use the Work Lamp and push this idea even further by making an interactive gold chandelier out of a garage utensil.

The Work Lamp VJ installation consists of 91 pieces of 24 carat gold Work lamps complete with individual dimmers attached to a separate control table. 1100 cable ties where used to link the lamps together. The interactive installation allows the viewer to interact with the installation to create graphic patterns or light moods.

Designed by Form Us With Love

Photographer: Miki Anagrius

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