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Dragon Fly Nightclub is the recipient of the 2007 Hospitality Design Award and the 2006 Design Exchange Award. Canadian Architects Munge Leung: Design Associates created a 12,000 square foot nightclub which plays host to a fantastic experience. The goal for design was to obtain a fanciful and boutique Asian Décor. This was achieved by designing an entrance with a pair of 14-foot iron clad doors, borrowed from the ancient Forbidden City which leads directly into the main area.

A blend of traditional Asian design with contemporary design culminates in unique wood lattice screens that define intimate lounge areas and red Chinese lanterns highlight the lounges and VIP rooms found at the perimeter of the dance floor. Buried with the ancient Asian Emperors and Emporesses to protect them in the after life, terracotta warriors are encased in a pink glow and line the back of the main bar.

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