The task of the project is to design a Fruits and Vegetables LOUNGE/SHOP, which is a multiple functions shop with the name we gave “The garden of colors”. We use four fundamental colors – white, orange, red and green. The White is mixed by all colours in perfect balance and harmony.
This is the colour of Purity and awakened Spirit. The orange color is the true color of the sun. The aspects of this colour are Sociable, Enthusiastic, Joyous etc. The red colour is the most emotionally intense color. The Green color is currently the most popular decorating color, green symbolizes nature. It is the easiest color on the eye and can improve vision.
The inspiration for the project is the Nature and her unlimited number of colours. The Keywords to define the word Nature are BIRTH, LIVE, SPIRIT, SENSE, FREEDOM, UNLIMITED, COLOURS, BLENDING, HARMONY, BEAUTY, FRESH, MOOD. To integrate the Nature in the interior we use sustainable natural colourful rubber materials. The trees and their crown inspired us for the design of the interior of the shop.
Designed by Gamelli Design

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