The New Approach project was born as a challenge to develop stimulating items with an essentially geometrical system that can be redefined with every new piece. “I understand space as a shifting entity. Lines merge to create planes, planes join and become volume, volume changes depending on the angle”.
Jorge Penadés, the designer behind New Approach, likes to push the boundaries between a space and the user’s interaction with it. His work implies a continuous defiance of preconceived ideas in this scope, leading to a deeper involvement of both maker and user. Basically, his designs explore the spatial perception of the human being.
This piece, is the first step of an ongoing project that instinctively tends to blur the frontier between reality and perception. In other words, it is a manifesto in favour of a creation system based in the combination of vertices, edges and planes as the ultimate form of beauty.
In the end, New Approach means a constant revision of space as the way to connect with the spectator, turning him into an active user. In this project, lines are engaged to the concept of geometry, but this relationship is far from immutable. As an expression of Penadés’s philosophy, his work permanently invites to look for distinct perspectives, to reformulate the questions in order to get different answers.

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