“Warownia” is the fourth and February (2013) part of the collection called “XII”, entirely designed by Karina Wiciak.The “Warownia” is not only a restaurant and a club, but also a magical place, where the décor imparts an intriguing, slightly fairy-tale atmosphere.
Usually, each interior has its history, but his place came into existence in a special manner… In the “Warownia”, one can see primarily white, shiny walls, among which a beautiful and young girls lives. Shutting herself off from the truth of the external world, she resembles a princess locked away in a tower. Yet life is no bed of roses, and any artificial, idealized world which we, people (as well as this princess), construct for ourselves never stands the test of time.
Therefore, the white, shiny walls which symbolize impeccably clean appearances, ultimately break off dirty, cracked walls, showing the other, dark side of life. This is when the bright, clean interior turns into a dirty, dark dungeon.What happens to the \”princess” afterwards? Everyone can invent their own story. Yet, this is not a fairy tale which should be told to the customers of the restaurant, but rather a short (albeit made-up) history of the interior, which should be treated with a slight pinch of salt.
Architects: Wamhouse + Karina Wiciak

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